§ 404.095. MF-10, Low Density Multi-Family District.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Intent. The MF-10, Low Density Multi-Family District accommodates non-elevator residential development in small scale buildings that can integrate well with the overall neighborhood development patterns identified in the Comprehensive Plan. Application of this district should include appropriate transitions to complimentary zoning districts that provide neighborhood services and amenities. The focus of this district is intended to provide quality apartment development with an emphasis on neighborhood character, streetscape design and other civic spaces. This classification is applicable to lands with convenient access to arterial streets and shopping areas.
    Uses. Uses shall be allowed in the MF-10 District in accordance with the Use Table of Section 405.030.
    Building Types. Building types shall be allowed in the MF-10 District in accordance with the Building Type Table of Section 405.010, and include the following:
    Detached house.
    Row house.
    Small civic building (limited).
    Performance And Design Standards.
    Design Standards. All buildings shall comply with the residential design standards of Section 407.080.
    Parking. In addition to the general parking and design standards in Section 407.010, all off-street parking shall be located at least twenty-five (25) feet from the street frontage, and at least ten (10) feet from any lesser-intense zoning district on abutting property.
    Institutional/civic Uses. Any permitted civic uses shall be in small civic building types located at prominent locations in the neighborhood to serve as a focal point and gathering place.
    Limited Building Types. Small lot and compact lot detached houses, neighborhood lot duplex, and walk-up and low-rise apartment building types shall be limited to a PD (Planned Development) subject to a neighborhood plan for mixed-density housing.
    [Ord. No. 4679, 8-21-2017]
    Open Space System. All projects greater than five (5) acres shall provide an open space system subject to the standards in Section 406.030. Any rezoning to this district below five (5) acres should have access to existing open spaces meeting the planning and design criteria of that Section or design at least ten percent (10%) of the area as active open space meeting those standards.
    Frontage Types. Frontage types in Section 407.030 shall be applied to create a consistent streetscape along a single block face so that no front building line deviates by more than ten (10) feet from the average along the block, and no more than five (5) feet from adjacent lots.
R.O. 1996 § 404.095; Ord. No. 4558 § 1, 8-3-2015